2018 Annual Homeowners Meeting
Post date: Sep 25, 2018 10:22:16 PM
Plan on attending the Stonefield Crossing Annual Homeowners meeting.
When: Tuesday, October 9th, 2018
Time: 6:00 P.M.
Where: New Horizon Life Center
4180 Smelting Works Rd
Swansea, IL 62226.
This is the same location as last year's meeting.
If you do not plan on attending the meeting please provide a proxy authorization to someone who will be attending, or one of the current board members. Forms are available on our webpage resource center http://www.stonefieldcrossing.org/resource-center
Stonefield Crossing Homeowners Association Meeting of Members Agenda
October 9, 2018
Call to Order
Treasurers Report
2018 expenses to date
Anticipated expenses for the remainder of the year
Status of reserves
2019 HOA estimated budget
HOA account balance
Committee Reports
Architectural Control Committee
Need Volunteers
Welcome Committee
Old Business & Unfinished Business
Common area Maintenance
- Landscaping
Enforcement of Covenants and Restriction
Vote on urban chickens – Not enough votes received to change C&Rs, Majority of votes received were against changing the C&Rs – Issues will be dropped
Vote to allow fines to enforce C&R violations – Not enough votes received to change C&Rs, Strong majority of votes received were for the change. – Issue has been tabled for further action.
Election of Board Members
There are no board member terms that expire this year.
Always looking for new volunteers to expand the board we currently have 4 would like to have more
Newly elected Board of Directors will begin their term in October or November 2018, first board meeting following the homeowner’s meeting.
New Business
Proposal from a homeowner to change the C&Rs to specifically allow for storage sheds. The proposal will be to change the wording in paragraph 4.9 (n) as follows:
Current Wording
4.9 (n) No outbuilding shall be allowed, except as approved by the ACC.
New Wording
4.9 (n) Outbuilding used for the purpose of a storage shed shall be allowed, only if approved by the ACC and meet the following requirements.
- Must be constructed of quality material that blend with the rest of the home and or landscape design.
- Must be located in the back yard and concealed from view from the street, as much as possible.
- Can be no larger than 12' x 12', and no taller than a single story.
- All designs must address the above items and be submitted to the ACC for approval prior to installing or beginning construction.
The Board with Proxies will vote to approve the proposal and the change of wording. With this only being a clarification to the existing wording and not changing the intent of current C&R.
Open Forum for Homeowners Comments/Concerns