Sunday, 26 Oct 2014 Soup-er-Bowl
Post date: Oct 11, 2014 3:53:18 PM
Mark your calendar! The third annual Soup-er-Bowl event will be held October 26, 2014 between 1:30 and 6:00 PM.
Check your front door for a pumpkin-colored flier that the Chevess family hand-delivered to all our homes. The flier announces the process to follow for entering the event and the rules for those who will be making their exquisite soup or chili recipe for everyone to sample.
I've participated in the past Soup-er-Bowl events and can tell you that this is something you don't want to miss. In fact, this event was published in the September 24th edition of the St. Louis Post Dispatch newspaper.
Like other events that happen in our subdivision throughout the year, this too offers an opportunity for the homeowners to socialize with one another while
enjoying the activity. We hope that you'll participate by either entering the event with your favorite recipe or simply to sample all the soup and chili recipes that everyone made.
As outlined in the flier, feel free to contact Arla at to enter your soup or chili in the event, or for any other additional information.
TIP: I find that riding my bicycle from one home to another allows me the opportunity to cover ground quickly and spend more time socializing with each homeowner during my stops to savor a sample of their recipe.