Community Wide Yard Sale Apr 22
Post date: Apr 11, 2017 6:59:30 PM
Swansea’s Community Wide Yard Sale will kick off in just a few weeks, when folks are expected to flock to the area to take in yard sales all over town. This will be the Village’s first attempt to coordinate such an event.
While a permit is usually required for yard sales and the number of such events held at any one address are normally limited during the year, sales held on one day - April 22, 2017 - will not have those requirements: no permit will be needed and the event will not count towards the limit. Sales may start as early as 7:00am and must conclude by 5:00pm.
Residents who want to participate need only set up and oversee their own sale. But, if you would like your address listed on a master list that will be posted on the Village’s website, email Title your email YARD SALE and in the body simply type “Add my address to the list:…” then include your address. Do so before noon on April 20th to ensure you make the final list.
Village staff will create a complete list and post it to the website so that it can be viewed, downloaded or printed. Press releases about the event will provide a web link to that list so shoppers can map their route in advance.
A number of entire subdivisions have already signed up for the event. So if you live in one of the subdivisions below you do not need to email the Village. Those planning to participate so far include:
Fairfield Manor
Willow Walk
Wild Horse Meadows
Stonefield Crossing
The Knolls
Sullivan Farms
If it is pouring down rain at 7:00am and the forecast is for all-day rain, the event will be postponed to April 29th. But if it the forecast is for scattered showers or intermittent rain, the event will go on as planned.
(Taken from the Swansea Report - Volume 34 Issue 4 April, 2017)